
Musings of a northern walker

Whitehorse is a great place to walk but it's not always obvious where trails are. I try to list maps, walking events, ideas for walks, natural history resources, etc. The site is also about building a walking culture, ways for making walking better: trails, bridges and boardwalks; a walking point of view in consultations; fiscal fairness for walking. Additionally, I highlight interesting things that others are doing, such as stewardship and healthy walking initiatives, some could easily be adapted here.

If you're just visiting or maybe you just moved here or you're new to recreational walking, see Welcome to Whitehorse. My Yukon Walking Strategy looks beyond Whitehorse and shows how we could become a more walkable territory and the Yukon could become a walking tourism destination.


Dec. 25, 2014. Meanwhile Get Walking Week, which is the Ramblers annual festival of short walks in England and Scotland will be taking a break for 2015. This is to allow us to put all our efforts behind an exciting new project to mark Ramblers' 80th Anniversary. We will be recruiting 100,000 people to walk, and survey, every right of way in England and Wales, and produce a ground-breaking report on the entire footpath network. Our groups will play a vital role in helping to make this happen, and we look forward to sharing more details with you in the coming months. PHEW! What an organization!!!

Dec. 24, 2014. Walking with the locals Never far from her well-worn walking boots, Vanessa Harriss kicks up a fuss about the "pure, spontaneous, unpretentious magic" of an Irish walking festival

Walking Festivals UK & Ireland

Dec. 21, 2014. The cost of winter running (much the same for winter walking)

Dec. 17, 2014. In defence of skipping.

I'm a born again fell walker, and Apple is to blame

Dec. 6, 2014. Walking stories Stories about walks and walking. By walkers, for walkers and everyone else.

The walkable city Take a walk: explore and wander through your urban world.

Dec. 5, 2014. A thought provoking stroll through life: When a woman walks down the street

Dec. 2, 2014. Broken hips: preventing a fall can save your life. Things to think about as you walk trails and slippery sidewalks.

7 powerful ways to make walking more exciting

Nov. 30, 2014. Emily Balcetis: Why some people find exercise harder than others: In an informative talk, she shows how when it comes to fitness, some people quite literally see the world differently from others — and offers a surprisingly simple solution to overcome these differences. Does this make your walking easier, faster?

Nov. 27, 2014. From Mark's Daily Apple some interesting walking ideas:

Nov. 22, 2014.From National Public Radio, a few interesting walking things:

Having foot problems? Footwakers are one way to build flexibility. Another way is these Barefoot Science insoles Check with your physiotherapist to see what your feet need for happiness

Nov. 19, 2014. How very creative: Small town turns a neo-nazi march against itself in a clever and peaceful way

This brilliant illustration shows how much public space we've surrendered to cars.

Nov. 13, 2014. Walk Edmonton. (Walking in groups is interesting). The City of Edmonton encourages citizens to choose walking because it:

Nov. 11, 2014. Spent time in Toronto and walking lots of places. Fun to listen to music at times. Classical music discussion on music and walking

Nov. 7, 2014.Weekly 'mood walks' are an antidote to anxiety and depression The walks are part of a province-wide initiative which harness nature's healing powers to help those with mental illness. This fits pretty neatly into the idea a pedestrian bridge to the hospital.

Nov. 6, 2014. From a fellow Bluemoon hiker: "The City of Whitehorse Community and Recreation Services is currently preparing a report on the use of motorized vehicles on the Millennium Trail, specifically Rotary bridge. Their report, with recommendations, is likely to go to Mayor and Council in about two weeks.

I feel strongly that all of the Millennium Trail should be off-limits to snowmobiles and ATVs. If you feel similarly, please send an email to Linda Rapp, Director of Parks and Recreation and to Mayor and Council. Points you may wish to raise:

Thanks! [If you send an email, please bcc yukonbluemoon@gmail.com.]"

Nov. 5, 2014. Just a reminder that World Town Planning Day is Friday, November 7 with events at the Old Fire Hall. This year's focus is on creative ideas for the future of the Whitehorse waterfront. Their facebook page. This seems a good place to bring up This is yet another place to tell why a pedestrian bridge to the hospital makes so much sense.

Nov. 3, 2014. Traffic light synergy an elusive dream in Toronto. Interesting read with our government looking at widening major roads such as the Alaska Highway through urban neighbourhoods and Mountainview Drive between Yukon College and Range Point (the old Range Road North area): "Pedestrians: Engineers once assumed that people would walk at a minimum of 1.3 metres/second, about 4.7 kilometres per hour. But as society ages, the industry standard has dropped to 1 metre/second, 3.6 kilometres per hour. The difference means that minimum signal times – designed to ensure pedestrians can cross safely – have had to be increased. The effect is greatest on wide streets but also noticeable where a major road intersects with a small cross street. With the quieter street given 33 per cent more time, traffic on the busier street must wait longer."

As boomers age, walkable cities become more important. Makes me think that making Whitehorse walkable is even more important:

"I asked ... if the automobile DNA of cities like Phoenix and Tampa doomed them to fail simple tests, like whether you could walk to the grocery store...."The population is aging. The average length of time that people [live] after they give up driving is, for men, seven years, and for women it's 10."

Health tip: find purpose in life: "He proposed that people live longer when they have a greater will to live; that a person might actively cultivate purpose—carefully distinguished from pursuing happiness—as a tenet of physical health." It would seem I use walking as a purpose in life. I think my focus om walking culture is actually a pretty neat purpose! There is room for others to be part of this in case they are looking for a challenging project.

Nov 2, 2014. from an ad: Many runners believe that wearing white or bright colours at night helps them stand out, but a study done by the Alaska Department of Health and Social Services revealed that people wearing white are seen at 180 feet but cars need 260 feet to stop at 60mph. Wearing reflective material makes a runner visible at 500 feet. True? Have to look into this. Luckily I walk trails in the daytime.

Nov 1, 2014. "Faultfinding without suggestions for improvements is a waste of time." Ralph C. Smedley. I want to be part of solutions!

Oct 31, 2014. B.C. Mounties stage flash mob in hopes of saving more pedestrians' lives: Darker evenings with time change makes for poorer visibility, especially between walkers and vehicles. One BC RCMP detachment is involved in handing out reflexive tags to clip on your coat to help visibility.

Commuting is even worse than you thought. This article talks about balancing commuting, physical activity and time. In Whitehorse, we're so spread out that walking or biking to work is difficult, especially in other than summer days. By promoting recreational walking, this can become an after-supper family activity — remember, it's likely that many of our kids also are commuters. Our city needs to have a range of good well-marked walking trails in every neighbourhood. Another way of adding physical activity to a work day is going for a noontime walk. This is yet another reason why a pedestrian bridge to the hospital makes so much sense.

Oct. 28, 2014. For snowy/icy trail walking, ice grips are indispensable, especially with spring's icy hilly trail sections. We use these Lee Valley ones all winter/spring...they work well.

Also this fall we've been trying out new poles: Pacerpoles. They work well but we haven't tried with snow or on snowshoes... stay tuned.

Oct. 23, 2014. NYC's newest tourism posters are aimed at locals – A new campaign wants to lure New Yorkers to explore neighborhoods in their own city. Things to think about when discussing walking tourism.

Oct. 22, 2014. Feeling blue? How you walk may hold the key to being happy

Oct. 15, 2014. Walking for a better brain

Oct. 11, 2014. Building a pedestrian bridge to network of hospital trails from near Main Street to the hospital becomes ever more interesting. From Minutes of the Meeting of Council and senior management: Yukon Hospital Corporation Information Exchange (Sept. 18, 2014)

Oct. 10, 2014. Banning cars from Central Park: Has the time finally come?

Oct. 9, 2014. On what drives my mapping ideas: Lost in visualization: creating pictures worth a billion words

Besides, there are plenty of business reasons to present visuals that click and stick. Someone may want their dashboard to grab so much attention in the company that it reaches the boardroom. To be so memorable that the team constantly refers to it when talking about patterns and trends. To be so easy to understand that it leads straight to business decisions. These are three important purposes of a dashboard when considering its visual design.

Oct. 8, 2014. Nobody knows what running looks like – Throughout history, people have gotten the depiction of running totally wrong.

Oct. 6, 2014. Why 12-Foot traffic lanes are disastrous for safety and must be replaced now As government looks at the future of the Alaska Highway through Whitehorse, particularly through neighbourhoods areas like around the airport.

Oct. 4, 2014. 2014 Walk without borders challenge until October 30. Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders (MSF)

Three short walks reverse harmful effects of 3 hours of prolonged sitting

Sept. 28, 2014. Why we must teach children how to move

Sept. 25, 2014. Extreme walking: The woman who walked 10,000 miles (no exaggeration) in three years!

Sept. 21, 2014. Is it possible walkers are nicer?

Sept. 15, 2014. Autumn proves a critical season for bears As leaves change colour and the thermometer dips, bears are stocking up on calories, preparing for hibernation.

Want to be happier? Try walking even part of the way to work new research concludes that an active commute may be as important to well-being as marriage or a pay raise. "Even if you can drive to work in 10 minutes, the study suggests, an hour-long walk may be better for your well-being."

Why Walking Helps Us Think

Sept. 9, 2014. Here's my Yukon Walking Strategy.

Walking with children

Sept. 6, 2014. Family activities, family stories– What should you do? What should you read? ...ideas for simple outdoor activities, as well as great books for kids of every age to read along the way, such as Trail mix: activities for family hikes

Sept. 4, 2014. Club dresses up Edmonton's walking trails with glamorous gear

Aug. 27, 2014. This is your brain on silence. Contrary to popular belief, peace and quiet is all about the noise in your head.

Take a walk. How to overcome the argument that walking is too slow.

Aug. 24, 2104. The Speed of Inspiration – In need of a burst of creativity? Go for a walk.

Aug. 21, 2014. The road to a healthy lifestyle. "It's about people being able to walk."

Aug. 11, 2014. Calling all crazies: Hit the stairs for a leg-screaming workout. See Ball diamond stairs for how this would be interesting for Whitehorse.

Boomers need to exercise for function rather than looks

Aug. 10, 2014. Wifi in the woods

Aug. 8, 2014. Be alert: several bruins sighted in city this week

July 31, 2014. Hiking for photographers

July 21, 2014. The world's spectacular cliff paths

July 19, 2014. Wetland Keepers: Learn from a certified instructor how to monitor and conserve wetlands in this 2 ½ day, hands-on introduction to wetland stewardship. No experience necessary

July 14, 2014. Looking at neighbourhood mapping: Fricking awesome maps from the silver age of comic books and Comic book cartography

July 9, 2014. Rock Walks, Yukon Geological Survey, sarah.laxton@gov.yk.ca, 393-7187:

July 5, 2014. Last Child in the woods, saving our children from nature deficit disorder, Richard Louv

I was looking for a definition of sustainable lifestyles for rural communities and found: Defining Arctic Community Sustainability: A background paper prepared for the NSF Sustainability of Arctic Communities Project

July 4, 2014. Mount McIntyre Recreation Area: all-season walking trails, submission to Mount Mac Trail User Meeting Summary and Draft Management Recommendations

Stanley Park crowds trigger calls for Seawall etiquette — seems that trail sharing is not always easy.

June 30, 2014. Working on a walking submission for the Mount McIntyre Trail User consultation due this Friday to the City Trails group. Will post it soon.

June 25, 2014. How's this for using Google Earth! Make's some of my efforts look sort of paltry.

June 14, 2014. Poynton regenerated. Interesting as our Hillcrest neighbourhood looks at our streets and wants traffic calming. And the government is looking at how to twin the Alaska highway. And the city will want to twin Mountainview Drive in about 5 years. And we have crazy intersections like the tops of Two mile Hill and the South Access and downtown,....

June 13, 2014. In defense of meetings:

"Then we need to change the physical structure of meetings. That's where we as architects come in. For example, we're learning from neuroscience research that the most effective meetings take place while walking. Research shows that exercise creates a protein called "brain-derived neurotrophic factor," or BDNF, which "improves the function of neurons." Essentially, exercise makes you smarter.

"So here are our tips for making your meetings and meeting spaces more effective.

June 8, 2014 Get Ireland walking

June 6, 2014. Is walking good enough to build bone?

June 5, 2014. 17 health benefits of walking.

June 3, 2104. "I found a great gym about 5 miles from home. Yes, regular membership is a quite expensive but the plan I am on costs nothing. I walk there and back 4-5 times a week." Daniel Duane, The New York Times

June 2, 2014. Travel smart. Before you venture outside, it is important to remember to let someone know where you are going, and when you are expected back.

May 29, 2014. Draft 2, regional parks plan. My walking response.

Take a Walk: When I want to get the creative juices flowing on our team, we go for a walk. We call these "walkies," where we go for 15 minutes and talk about life. Generally, the conversation always goes back to work. There is something about nature that spurs a person to be more creative. It will help you see the world better. I find that being healthy and alert will always boost up the creative side in people as well. —John Rampton, Adogy

May 28, 2014. Day by day I wait for company on my walks....The truth about...

May 27, 2014. To Age Well, Walk

How the way we walk can increase risk of being mugged

May 26, 2014. Teacher toolbox:Observe plants and wildlife

Irish Trails.Trail Development Publications

North Wales puts best foot forward to attract walkers with new app.

Another example of a progressive approach to walking is Newfoundland's Hiking and walking webpage.

May 25, 2014. Let kids run wild in the woods — What if everybody picked a flower? Maybe they'd care more about nature

May 24, 2014. The smart set. The walking tour: A guide of unconventional places and ideas. Some fun little essays by Wayne Curtis

May 23, 2014. These are Canada's best hiking trails – did your favourite make the list? ...Hmmmm! poor us!

Going outside—even in the cold—improves memory, attention

Five walking strategies for fitness success Whether you're looking to get started or trying to stick to a walking routine, we've got several surefire strategies for success.

May 22, 2014. The myth that Americans are busier than ever "How did we get so busy?" the New Yorker asks. Let's define busy. And, while we're at it, let's define we, too.

Good article on walking Solvitur ambulando: It Is solved by walking

May 20, 2014. "Considered in a global context, Canada is a developed country, but it might be fair to say Canada is overdeveloped when it comes to its physical activity infrastructure and programs for children and youth,” says Jennifer Cowie Bonne, CEO, Active Healthy Kids Canada. “Canada will never reap the benefits of our well developed policies, programs and places unless we relax our grasp and give our kids room to move. Parents and families, policymakers, schools and community leaders must work together to make it easier for our kids to make the active choice, more often.” CBC article

Imagine if the money being spent on widening the Robert Cambell Bridge so bicyclists might be encouraged to stop driving cars downtown was to have been spent on a Main Street pedestrian bridge! This is an example of why I think that having a city senior staff position focussed on walking is an essential step in making our city walkable.

May 5, 2014. Is Yellowknife's Frame Lake trail safe? Interesting problem and easily possible on a community trails. I agree that "The more we use it, the more we're gonna be comfortable on it.".

May 3, 2014. How could I miss that it's National Walking Month? (in the UK)

April 30, 2014. I see that Move for Health Week 2014 is May 5 - 10. Have a look at Richmond, BC brochure.

April 10, 2014. If you are looking for a place for an easy walk, the Miles Canyon Road is still closed and the snow and ice have melted off the road. (thanks Kat!)

April 9, 2014. Did a lot of re-coding of pages to make it easier to update the site, improve consistancy and to make the site more 'correct' for browsers. If anyone sees glitches, be sure to let me know about it.

April 6, 2014. Why is Britain such a dangerous place for walkers? Contrast this with our lack of focus with walkers, but generally a pretty respectful place to walk.

March 29, 2014. Transportation Demand Management Plan coming to council March 31. Administration recommends accepting a plan that says, "The crux of the final plan is a 25 year target to shift transportation modes in Whitehorse as follows: Walking: Current – 3%, Target – 6%". So much for any ambitious looking at increasing people's desire to walk! The final recommended plan hasn't been posted on the city site yet. It's even been removed from the list of current public processes.

March 27, 2014. Beer brewed with tree branches made to evoke tastes of walking trail...New fundraising beer features flavours of the river valley

HospIce walking group, Tuesdays 6-7:30pm, May 6-June 10th. Walk the Millennium trail as you receive and give healthy grief support. To register call 667-7429 or administrator@hospiceyukon.net

Russia is restarting Stalin's National Fitness Program One way of societal fitness.

March 25, 2104. Enter your healthy living solution for a chance at up to $1 million. A Yukon walking strategy? Whitehorsewalks.com? Walking Tourism?

Hacking Health North May 9 - 11, 2014.

The 5 OCP Parks Planning process has a number of idea websites at this site. As I see interesting one I've incorporated them into appropriate parts of this site. Thanks John!

March 23, 2014. Still looking at structure and tightening up site.

March 10, 2014. I've made walking tourism more of a top level focus. Better walking things for them will provide better walking things for us! This is still being sorted out to be clearer but these pages in particular are involved:

March 6, 2014. America's cities are still too afraid to make driving unappealing. Appropriate as we look at twinning the Alaska Highway and Mountainview drive.

March 5, 2014. As I neaten up the site I am consolidating pieces of the walking story. Today I created a Main Street pedestrian bridge to hospital trails page. Next step is to talk to people about feasibility.

March 4, 2014. I've finally started a Walking, as a learning experience page. Very much a skeleton piece for now but it shows some possibilities. More to come on this.

The Walking, as a community page has been rebuilt. Still needs work, but it's closer to showing the opportunities we have to build walking into our community's administrative structure.

February 25, 2014. I continue to wonder why we are able to contemplate twinning the Alaska Highway and Mountainview Drive, yet the idea of people crossing them on foot is so complicated. We have big city solutions to small city problems. The following paragraph sadly seems bang on for our future. Range Road planning is unable to contemplate people crossing Mountainview Drive except at the intersection of Range Road. I shake my head! Transportation is Destiny: Design for Happy People, Not Happy Cars

100 years ago, auto makers, home builders, and oil companies ("the Sprawl Lobby") started realizing that they could make lots of money by creating what has since become a self-perpetuating vicious cycle in communities. If communities could be convinced to ease the flow of car traffic by building enormous highways and parking lots (and subsidizing car travel by having everyone—not just motorists—pay for such roads, parking, and gasoline), huge amounts of money could be made selling cars, homes and gasoline. The process eventually was feeding on itself in a growing, self-perpetuating way, because the highways, parking and subsidies were forcing and otherwise encouraging a growing number of Americans to buy more and more cars, use more and more gasoline, and buy sprawling homes that were further and further from the town center. Why? Because the subsidized highways and gasoline were powerfully promoting community dispersal, high speeds, isolation, and an insatiable demand for larger highways and parking lots. Each of these factors were toxic to a city, led to government and household financial difficulties, destroyed in-town quality of life (which added to the desire to live in sprawl locations), and made travel by transit, bicycle or walking increasingly difficult and unlikely (an added inducement to buy more cars).

February 11, 2014. When asked to prove that bike lanes are needed somewhere, remember it's hard to justify a bridge by the number of people swimming across a river. Makes me think of walking trails that need major road crossings, or other places that walking improvements are needed.

Why we don't walk anymore. Now here's an interesting project: New York City Walk. One more: Cul-de-sac hell and the radius of demand; look at places like Copper Ridge and think of walking through the area easily, then look at the plans for Whistle Bend. Are we designing a cul-de-sac hell or are we catching on to modern design? What do you think? I'll put some links here to morrow to help answer the question.

February 10, 2014. Walking above the airport. An updated walking assessment of our neighbourhood.

January 31, 2014. Just a reminder: Town Hall Meetings coming up.

Walkable Edmonton newsletter

January 27. City council aims to give frustrated Edmontonians a bigger say in decision making "will focus on making sure Edmonton's active citizens and organizations have a meaningful voice".

January 22. After discussion about how far people on Range Road would walk, I thought I'd start to make a Range Road neighbourhood walking map. I've also put it on my Range Road trails page. A big problem is whether the mountainview crossing by Northland can be done. If Mountainview is twinned and divided, crossings are much simpler. An automatic island in the middle!


Left shows concentric circles, .25 km apart, centered at corner of Range Road, River Ridge Lane (thick blue are proposed to be paved, pale greenish blue are paved. Right shows some of the area trails. Think of walking about 4 km per hour for a moderate pace. Trail colour legend:

Walk 21 International Conference on Walking and Liveable Communities 2014, 21 - 23 October 2014, Luna Park, Sydney, Australia.

January 21. People who enjoy life maintain faster walking speeds as they age.

January 20. Range Road planning meetings this week. Before you go, have a glance at these whitehorsewalks pieces to see how Range Road planning affects a vision of a Yukon River Corridor Trail.

January 19, 2014. Walking Festivals. I've been so tied up in trying to put walking on our city's horizon, that I've spent little time on one of my goals — a walking festival, low key, local focus, varied. As we look forward to our next trip to Europe, we start by checking out Walking Festivals...

January 17, 2014. Neighbourhood use of City trails at WCCSC. I've been looking at the trails that the city has been building for the past few years in the Mount McIntyre area. In a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), the City has given control to the ski club over winter use of the trails. The MOU hasn't been made public yet. They've done a preliminary look at what the public would be allowed to use.

I have a couple of suggestions to make it fairer for above-the-airport neighbourhoods specifically, and the public in general. It would also simplify the club's administration of our trails. Their plan is to look at this winter's activities and get input from those concerned and discuss it in in the spring.

Here's my backgrounder:
Mount McIntyre Recreation Area, above-the-airport walking and snowshoeing trails

January 16, 2014. Whistle Bend Trails. Just submitted my walker's look at Whistle Bend for YESAB and sent the note below to various governments and others:

Today, I submitted the attached PDF to the Whistle Bend YESAB process as a walker's views.

You may be familiar with walking around Whistle Bend, but if not, I've included lots of pictures so reading it won't take long!

My YESAB submission seems quite timely. I seemed to have addressed walking in a way that addressed 5 topics, so it seemed to be worth my effort in preparing this overview:

  • For YESAB, I looked at Whistle Bend subdivision's social/environmental effects on the land surrounding the subdivision.
  • It builds on the piece I submitted for Council's Marwell–Downtown town hall meeting last week around a Yukon River Corridor Trail.
  • It is a good backgrounder for City Planning's Range Road North Neighbourhood meetings next week, also around the corridor trail.
  • It is timely input as public input on the 2014 Operating budget.
  • It also addresses the difficult topic of motorized recreation and neighbourhoods.

From my YESAB submission " Public money is always tight when looking at luxuries. Bridges, trails, staircases are not the first items in a city's budget, rather they're the first to go in the budget. And yet, if we think community health, they should be right up there with roads and sewers. YESAB should consider whether these costs should be borne by future residents, or should be project development costs."

I'm under no illusions that YESAB will make radical changes in its Whistle Bend subdivision evaluation, but that won't make the topic go away!


January 14, 2014 Background document for upcoming Range Road Planning process is now available.

January 13, 2014. This might be the scariest trail In the world. Unbelievable. This makes my toes tingle!!

And while we're exploring, for math lovers, here's How should two lost people find each other?

January 10, 2014. Greenspace, trails dominate Whistle Bend concerns. Interesting meeting. I learned a lot. YESAB seems to draw a thick black line around a project and if it's outside the line and not an engineered thing — road, power, sewage, water — then it is outside the scope at this point. It should matter that Whistle Bend is surrounded by a little greenspace (~400m) or a golf course, cliffs and the Yukon River.

Over the next days I'll prepare a walker's look at Whistle Bend, somewhat like the A walker's look at downtown–Marwell, or the Range Road trails. Maybe I can get YESAB to look harder at this? Should the FP (Future Planning)-zoned land be designated Recreational as it was shown earlier in the project?

Range Road North Neighbourhood Plan

Both events will be held in the Kwanlin Dün Cultural Centre, Multi-Purpose Room (1171 Front Street). whitehorse.ca/rangeroad, email ben.campbell@whitehorse.ca or phone 668-8338

  • Public Event 1: Visioning Workshop 7-9 pm, Tuesday January 21
  • Public Event 2: Design Workshop Open House 7-9 pm, Wednesday January 22

January 7, 2014. Whistle Bend YESAB meeting Thursday's meeting will get underway at the General Store of the Gold Rush Inn on Main Street. Information will be available there at 4 p.m. with presentations about the development beginning at 5:30 p.m.

January 6, 2014. How to open a tin can with your bare hands

January 5, 2014. On Wed. Jan 8, 7:30-9 pm at Whitehorse Elementary School, Multi-purpose Room: City Council is hosting a series of Town Hall meetings for residents of the City of Whitehorse, to improve understanding of the unique issues affecting neighbourhoods and hear directly from residents about the issues affecting them.

As a background to this, I've prepared this overview page: A walker's look at downtown–Marwell.

January 4, 2014. Walk Toronto has a story on the Walk to school resources in Toronto. (linked on their page).

Metrolinx, the regional transportation agency for the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area, is also very interested in promoting walking to school. Metrolinx conducted a large-scale School Travel Study (PDF) to identify the current state of school travel in the region and has published School Travel Planning in Action in Ontario (PDF) to feature some case studies of successful programs.


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pjl at whitehorsewalks period com